


Being out of control of your life can result in sleep problems, loss of interest in activities normally enjoyed, negative thoughts, loss of self-esteem and suicidal thoughts.

How do I know if I have Depression? What are the symptoms?

If you feel sad for weeks on end, find yourself low on energy or motivation, or no longer enjoy doing things that used to interest you, you might be experiencing depression. It’s not necessarily about feeling sad. Depression is often a numb feeling rather than sadness. Often it’s not something you can control or just get over like the ‘blues’.

There are a number of different types of depression, with distinct symptoms and causes which can include factors such as personality, family history, drug and alcohol abuse, difficult life events or traumatic experiences.

How can we help? How do we treat Depression?

Depression can be a serious issue, but there is treatment available that can help you feel better.

Just as there are different types of depression, there are also different treatments for depression. At Royal Behaviour Health Care, our Clinical Psychologists can help to determine your diagnosis and find strategies to help you through this difficult time. They will talk to you to understand your situation and discuss the treatment program they believe will best benefit you, so you know what to expect, allowing you to work together with your Psychologist to gain the best result.